Become Tribal

Tribal Health & Performance


Based in Chertsey, Surrey we specialise in training for multi sports performance as well as health & body transformation. We are developing an exclusive and tight community of like minded, health driven individuals that are keen to take control of their health and, or their endurance sports performance. Tribal believe in empowering you to take responsibility for your own progression.

We guide your development so that your perception of every situation is dialled in allowing you to make great decisions regarding your health and performance transformation. You are supported both by live and online expert coaching, each member receives 2 hours of face-to-face contact time when their membership commences and qualifies for a heavily discounted coaching hour once each 4 weeks, each membership also opens access to Tribal Multi Sports Performance and The Tribal Plan, our two online programs that serve as both education and support of unlimited success with your chosen goals.

Membership Includes:

– Access to the facility during operating hours.

Membership On-Board inclusive of:

– FMS Movement Screen

– Dailies Prescription

– Personal Goal Setting

– Goal Specific Strength & Conditioning Prescription

– Free access to The Tribal Plan.

– Free access to MSP.

– Discounted access to all Tribal services and supplements.

– Access to  Monday Night Movement Squad.

Single Membership £85.00 pcm*

Joint Membership £160.00 pcm*

*All membership options require a one-month cancellation term.

A tour of our facility can be arranged by appointment only, please contact us here to arrange your slot.

Opening Hours

Monday 0600-1900
Tuesday 0600-1900
Wednesday 0600-1900
Thursday 0600-1900
Friday 0600-1600
Saturday 0800-1100
Sunday 0800-1300


Become Tribal